April 23

minute read

Why You’re Falling Short of Your Goals

"There are few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity." - Erwin McManus

Do you have clear goals or just unrealized dreams?

Are you working on projects that help you move toward your goals, or are you simply engaged in a hobby?

This Sunday, we get serious about goals.

Seven Powerful Reasons to Have Clear Goals

To get anywhere in business and life, we need a clear destination. Goals help provide that target.

Goals help you create a blueprint for achievement, keep you focused and turn obstacles into opportunities.

Take some time this week to clarify your goals.

Why You Don't Achieve Your Goals

Are you confusing a dream with a goal?

Tiago Forte shares a clear distinction between dreams and goals in this video, Why You Don't Achieve Your Goals.

A goal without a project is a dream. A project without a goal is a hobby. Take some time to clarify your goals and tie them to a project. Review your projects and ensure you connect them to a goal.

5-Principles of Purposeful Leadership

Getting clear about your goals will also make you a better leader.

Hubert Jolly explains how clarity and authenticity can help unleash "human magic" in the Harvard Business Review article 5-Principles of Purposeful Leadership.

Great leaders are clear about their purpose, role, and who they serve. Take some time this week to set an intention on how you want to lead.

Start With Why

Leaders can inspire and give people a sense of purpose. You need to be clear on what is vital for you and your business to do that.

This week's books summary is Start With Why by Simon Sinek.

Some key insights from this book include:

  • Great leaders don't focus on what needs to be done, they focus on why it needs to be done.
  • To motivate people, choose to inspire them not manipulate them.
  • You can find the time and money to do it right, or you will be forced to find the time and money to do it over.

In the coming week, be intentional about what you want from your business. Get clear on what you want to accomplish. Dream a little bit. Then take at least one of those dreams and turn it into a goal by building a project around it.

And, as you do, let me know how it goes.

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Turn your vision into reality

  • Clarify your vision
  • overcome your limiting beliefs
  • implement a strategic process