September 13, 2024
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Is Your Business Controlling You?
If you're like most small business owners you started your business for the freedom it could provide. You wanted financial freedom, the freedom to choose how you spend your time, and the freedom to work with customers you like. You wanted a business to serve your life, only to find you've become a slave to your business.
Have You Been Frustrated By:
Create a Business That Serves Your Life
About Me.
Hi, I'm Dave McGhee. I'm a Small Business Coach, and the Vice President of Coaching at Buffini & Company.
I know what it feels like to struggle to build a well oiled business that serves your community, and creates financial independence for yourself.
Over the past 14-years I've helped hundreds of business owners just like you do just that by refining their strategy and systemizing their operations.
By the Numbers
Years of Coaching
Business Owners Coached
3-Steps to Small Business Success
Be clear about your vision, your goals and your strategy.
Identify key projects for each quarter and have plan for each day.
Create a rhythm of daily execution and weekly review and adjustment .
The Small Business Promise
As a small business owner you want to make an impact. You want to align your business with your purpose to lead a fulfilling life. You want freedom. You want the freedom to choose who you work with and how you spend your time. And you want financial freedom.
While most small business owners want a business that serves their purpose and their life, they find that they have actually become a slave to their business. Instead of choosing who to work with they find work with demanding and unreasonable customers. They spend their time fighting fires instead of making a difference. And, instead of financial freedom, they wonder how they will make ends meet.
Hold On to the Dream
You were put on this planet for a purpose. And you were endowed with the natural strengths and abilities to fulfill that purpose. The dream you had for your business is part of that purpose. You can make the impact you dream of making. You can work with a steady stream customers excited to work with you. You can work fewer hours and make more money.
Everybody is Better With a Coach
I don't believe anybody needs a coach, but I know that everybody is better with a coach. A great small business coach will help you create a compelling vision for the future of your business and goals that align with that vision. Next, they'll help you develop quarterly plans and weekly targets to ensure you achieve your aspirations.
Top coaches will challenge your perspective, allowing you to see opportunities you missed in the past. They help you examine your process, so you can make intentional choices about the best course of action. Great coaches will hold you accountable and support you in your journey.
How Good Do You Want to Be
You have a dream. You were put on this planet for a purpose. You have the natural strengths and abilities to fulfill that purpose. You have untapped potential.
The question is not whether you can achieve your goals. You can.
The question is how good do you want to be?