January 23

minute read

Business Made Simple

Quick Summary of Business Made Simple.

Value-driven business owners get more done and earn more money. They do it in less time and with less stress because they are clear on what they are trying to accomplish. There are a set of ten core characteristics that are common in every value-driven business owner. They also utilize ten core competencies. Business Made Simple identifies those characteristics and competencies and shows you how to incorporate those into your small business. The book is designed as a sixty-day course.

My Notes on This Book:

Following, you'll find my key takeaways from Pivot & GO! My notes are informal and include key points, quotes from the book, passages I found useful and applicable lessons. I am currently reading this book and will update my notes periodically.

  • The secret of all success is to provide more value than cost.  
  • Everything has a Return On X (ROX) - return on investment, return on time, return on energy.
  • Be obsessed with getting people a higher return than their investment in you.
  • Chase good investments. Divest yourself of bad investments.
  • See yourself as a hero on a mission.

Other Books Referenced by the Author:

  • High Output Management by Andrew Grove

My Rating of Business Made Simple:

I rate this book as 3-stars. It’s good, but not great. The information is useful and it's easy to read. I didn’t find myself excited to pick it up each time or to return to it.


Full Title: Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution and More
Author: Donald Miller
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership (January 19, 2021)
Pages: 239 pages

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