April 2

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The World Needs You to Play Big

What if the world was waiting on you to succeed?

Would it change how you pursued your goals? Would you stop busying yourself with meaningless activity?

The world does need you to succeed. It needs you to play big. When you win, it affects those around you. And that success extends out exponentially.

Stop playing small. We need you to play big.

Here's how...

Stop Doing Things That Take You Away From Your Goals

Time is your most precious asset.

Make sure you are using your time on things that matter. Without a schedule and a system, we'll get caught in the urgent at the expense of the important.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Either you control your day, or someone else does.

If you don't have a plan for your day, you'll find yourself jerked around by your impulses or external events. Neither of those is likely to lead you to what you want to accomplish.

Focus on the Next Important Step

Chasing what can't be done is madness.

Stop looking for a home run, it only leads to frustration. Instead, build momentum. Focus on the one small thing you can do today that will pay the most significant dividend in moving you toward your goal.

Know the Step After That

You don't need to know how you will achieve your goal.

Don't get paralyzed trying to create the perfect plan. The ideal scenario will reveal itself when you start to take action. It reveals itself one step at a time. Don't worry about mapping out every step. Just identify the first step and the step after that. Knowing the next step allows you to take immediate action, and knowing the step after that keeps the momentum.

You Have a Responsibility to Pursue Your Dreams

You were put on this planet for a reason, endowed with natural gifts and abilities to achieve that purpose.

Stop worrying if you can achieve your goals or whether you're worthy. It's not about you. How will your customers benefit when you achieve your goals? How will your family? Stop limiting yourself. You have a responsibility to the rest of us to pursue your dreams.

It's Time to Play Big

You are right where you need to be. The years of your life up until now have been practice. Now, it's time to play the game. I hope you play big.

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Turn your vision into reality

  • Clarify your vision
  • overcome your limiting beliefs
  • implement a strategic process